Printable Event Calendar

Create your own printable event calendar for free. Events could be School activities, Game dates of your favorite sports team, Work schedule or personal events including appointments, birthdays and other occassions.

How to print?
You can print directly from the Print option on the browser menu. If you are not sure, select the Print Preview option first, check the output for both portrait and landscape mode, and then print whichever fits better. You can also download the calendar as pdf file if you have virtual pdf printers installed or from chrome browser.

Event Calendar Creator

** Events with empty notes and outside the selected period will be ignored. There can be only one entry per day and notes greater than 90 characters long will be truncated.

Choose from a wide range of printable calendars online. We have yearly, monthly, weekly calendar templates optimized for printing on Letter and A4 sized paper in your home or office printer.
